The summer festival season is well upon us at this stage but we get asked by girls all the time to restyle a garment for them to wear to the weekend festival. So, we’ve decided to give you our top trends for this year’s Summer Festival Fashion.
Let’s be honest, it’s not something that you jump into at the last minute. All well respected festival goers put at least some thought into what they will be wearing while they are trudging around in wellies in some mud laden field in the country. We all ask our friends “What are you wearing?” or take to social media to find out what is the latest trend. So we’ve done some searching for you and have come up with the definitive list of what you should be considering. Remember, it has to be stylish, functional and make your festival experience a breeze because who needs the hassle?
Overalls are bang on trend this summer not alone here in Ireland but internationally also. You will notice a lot of gals out there sporting the thrown together overalls look this summer. A quick glimpse at the images from the famous American Coachella festival will show you that overalls are hot this summer. They’re great for lounging around in, are loose fitting for freedom and are stylish to say the least. Go get them girls!
Metallic tattoos are also in this summer. If you haven’t made the leap to the more permanent fixture this is a great option for you. They give you some style to your look and are relatively inexpensive for your needs. Might even be a conversation starter…
Festival wellies are at this stage the staple for most festival goers. With the Irish weather usually holding up to its side of the bargain and raining as much as possible during the summer months, it’s probably a good investment to go with wellies. They will keep you dry and looking fab in one go, what’s not to like? With so many brands to choose from out there it can be a bit of a mine field but our pick (even though they are a bit on the expensive side) are Hunter wellies. They rock!
Comfortable Sneakers are perfect for the days when Mother Nature is actually doing what she’s meant to be doing and letting the sun shine. Let’s face it no girl wants to wear heals all weekend (or wellies for that matter if it can be avoided) but sneakers, if chosen correctly, can have your feet thanking you for the comfort and style that you adorn on them. Again, there are plenty of options out there but do choose function over fashion if you can. You don’t want to be left with pieces of fabric as your footwear at the end of the Summer Festival Fashion weekend.
Long Sleeve Denim brings both a practical and stylish aspect to your outfit at the festival. With multipurpose functions like shielding you from the rain, putting around your waist to look cool, protection from the sun (maybe) or for just looking amazing, denim has your back.
Last but not least The Traditional White Dress has always been a hit at the Summer Festival. It’s timeless and really make you look like a million dollars if done correctly. One thing to remember though, the inclement Irish weather can have a say in what colour your dress ends up as toward s the end of the weekend so choose your length carefully and try not to hang out on the ground too much, it can be embarrassing
So that’s it for The Zip Yards Summer Festival Fashion run through. If you’ve got any other tips for us let us know, we always love to hear from you. As always we specialise in garment alteration so if you need something altered we’re here for you.
Peace xxx